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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Whilst wishing you all a Merry Christmas and A Great New Year ahead, may I ask why you are so close to financial freedom ... and yet so very far ?

Well, for that matter, I’ll bet you don’t know the answer. And even if you did, you’ll say something like – oops I don’t have much money to invest in the markets or something like – I love stocks but my wife loves gold and I love my wife more than I love stocks and gold- THE END.

And yet, I’ll say and reassure you that you are so close to financial freedom ... and yet so very far only and only because you don’t have the courage and conviction to invest money in the stock markets. And don’t ever forget that stocks are the only unique asset class that has given investors the best returns across the globe. I don’t want to bore you with numbers so lets get down to the real stuff. You don’t need a corpus of Rs.10 lakhs, Rs.5 lakhs or Rs.1 lakh to get started. Even a sum of Rs.50,000/= [ including Rs.5000/= earmarked for our Bargain Stock Package ] can do the trick. Once you get started and start gaining confidence, you can inject more funds into the markets. After all the Bargain Stock Package recommends just 2 stocks per month.

Our Bargain Stock Package offers you:

I] BARGAIN STOCK PICK- Long term wealth creating Stock with potential return of 200-300% in 1-3 years holding period.

II ] DEFINITE INCOME STOCK- Short term stocks with potential return of 25-50% in 1-3 months holding period.

PLUS, all of the following, Absolutely Free:
1. IVI Bargain Stock Package Short term recommendation for September 2010
2. IVI Bargain Stock Package Medium Term recommendation for September 2010
3. IVI Bargain Stock Package Short Term recommendation for October 2010
4. IVI Bargain Stock Package Medium Term recommendation for October 2010
5. IVI Bargain Stock Package Medium Term Recommendation for November 2010

And don’t forget that this unique Bargain Stock Package will cost you just Rs.5000/= per annum instead of Rs.10000/= p.a with effect from 1 January 2011.

Remember our Bargain Stock Package is not a “magic pill” that will make you Richie rich overnight. If you are looking for a “get-rich-quickly” type of scheme then you are wasting your time reading this.

We don’t promise you the moon. Very simply, what we do is to strive hard to identify good stocks that have the potential of giving you good returns over a certain period of time.
I pity people who sign cheques ranging from Rs.5000 to Rs.25000 in order to subscribe to different stock market and other “get-rich-quickly” schemes. In that case we would have lots of Bill Gates, Warrens and Ambasni’s - wondering where the others are!

Bottom line : Befriend HBJ Caps and we will show you a REAL WORLD way to make fantastic income buying and selling stocks. And should you have any questions or doubts relating to the Bargain Stock Package then just shoot out a mail and I'll be delighted to respond right away. Or, just call Sandeep Jain at 09886736791 and he’ll tell you how to get started.

Celebrate Christmas and New Year in great style by subscribing to HBJ Caps unique Bargain Stock Package and look forward to a great financial future down the line. May Santa Claus give the wisdom to understand and appreciate the fact that HBJ Caps has mastered the art of identifying and presenting wealth creating opportunities to its subscribers who are spread across the globe.

Kishor S. Khot, [], Equity Strategist, HBJ Capital Services Pvt Ltd