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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You too can become a Prince like Vince

Vince Stanzione is a self -made millionaire, in fact he's been his own boss since the age of 16!

Vince Stanzione is now about 38 years old with millions in the bank, houses all over the world (although he spends most of his time in Mallorca), and the dream job...working in the comfort of his own home. And we're not talking, slaving away for hours, a few minutes each day monitoring and analyzing the worlds indices is enough to keep his profits ticking over.

So how did Vince Stanzione profit? Whilst many are conditioned into buying shares and wanting things to go up, Vince works on making money regardless of prices moving up, down or even staying in a range. His profits in 2008 mainly came from buying Inverse Exchange Traded Funds, Short selling and buying put options,

"When people find out that I am a professional trader/investor the next question tends to be, 'what's a good share to buy?' nobody ever says 'what's a good share to SELL short'"
The best traders make money going up and going down. After all, why would you not want to use all the tools at your disposal?

Of course not all his money was made from trades going down; Vince invested heavily in Consumer Staples shares such as McDonalds, Walmart and Anheuser Bush better known for its Budweiser beer which was recently taken over by Inbev making him a profit of over £150,000.
Vince Stanzione is also the author of "How to Stop Existing & Start Living." Vince lives most of the year between Spain and Monaco and trades his own funds mainly in currencies and commodities.

Wow, isn’t that great. Wouldn’t you guys like to be like Vince – I am referring especially to the young men and women of our country who can live life King Size if investment is made in the stock markets earlier rather than later. Start early and then you have a better chance of becoming a billionaire like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. Yes, Jhunjhunwala had started investing in the stock market with just very small amount Rs.5000 in year 1985 when the Sensex was at 200 level only. And today in 2010 the Sensex is around 19799 level and he is a billionaire.

And if you are new to the markets, don’t do it on your own.- unless you want to burn your fingers and see holes in your pockets. Instead seek professional help. HBJ Caps can help change your life forever by helping you to realize all your fancy dreams except getting you married – sorry folks we don’t have a Marriage Bureau. Anyway, I hope you have decided to take the plunge since you know very well that you will be sailing across the ferocious tides of stock markets with professional stock market navigators like HBJ Caps who will take you across the shores to your desired destination.

HBJ Caps is just a phone call away. Just call Sandeep Jain at 09886736791 and he’ll tell you how to get started – in short he’ll tell you how to become a Prince like Vince!

Kishor S. Khot, [], Equity Strategist, HBJ Capital Services Pvt Ltd