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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Make your portfolio recession free and include 3D stocks in your portfolio with MMP !!

Dear Readers,

The last few weeks have been tumultuous for the market's and all the stocks have been beaten down badly. At this point of time when each and every stock is being hammered it is important to stick to fundamentally good stocks with certain characteristics that can shield them against any recessionary tremors from the west and safeguard your portfolio. At Money Multiplier Portfolio - The Offline PMS from MPS, we have made a conscious effort to select the right set of stocks and their earnings speaks for themselves.

See whenever you make an investment and buy stocks for your portfolio you cannot have control over prices of stocks, however while buying any stock you can always keep a check on two things:
  • Great companies with clean management and good revenue visibility and profitability &
  • Good valuations
So after the recent hammering many stocks are available at good valuations, however while building your portfolio make sure that the stocks you select are mostly 3D stocks.

If you are wondering what are 3D stocks, then 3D stocks are nothing but simply Domestic Demand Driven stocks. These are the companies which derive more than 90% of their revenue from India and have minuscule exposure to countries like US, UK. These companies are not susceptible to currency fluctuations and are most likely not involved in any risky currency derivatives hedging.

Thus, the above whole set of factors make these companies non-risky, recession proof and extremely high growth potential companies. When we started with MMP (Money Multiplier Portfolio) on 1st Sep'10, it was a conscious decision made by the research team to focus only on 3D companies and build a concentrated portfolio of only limited number of stocks.

A brief overview on the companies and sectors constituting MMP:
  1. Microfinance Sector - This is probably the fastest growing sector, however it's still in it's nascent stage. There's a big demand in place and many regions are still under-penetrated. The company chosen from this sector is set to witness exponential growth.
  2. Indian Governance Sector - This is a very niche sector and has it's own entry barriers. The companies operating in this sector need to be very fluent with the whole system and need to deal with the bureaucratic system.
  3. Engineering Industry - Engineering Industry is set to witness a record growth in India. The Indian infrastructure is in bad shape and needs the highest investment. Importantly the Government is cognizant of the same and is deploying funds.
  4. Health care Industry - Health care is one need, one cannot compromise with and the Indian middle class is becoming more conscious of the same. The company chosen from this sector has reported some stellar numbers and the promoter's are going for preferential issue which depicts their confidence.
  5. Financial Services Industry - We have two companies in MMP from this sector and both the companies are prominently into debt syndication and equity placement. Both the companies will be huge beneficiary of the fact that government is planning to raise FII investment limit on corporate bonds. Also the domestic debt market could increase four times to $1.5 trillion by 2016 if the cost of issuance of bonds is reduced.
  6. Breweries Industry - Not long ago, Mr Vijay Mallya, a well known liquor baron said the liquor industry is recession-proof. Probably, he meant Good times mean celebration, Bad times mean depression, but the most important thing is that liquor comes as a solution in both times. His optimism was not misplaced because the domestic liquor industry has been chugging along cheerfully, and registered a growth rate of about 18 per cent even during 2008-09 while most other industries were finding newer depths as they struggled to stay afloat.

As one can observe above the above sectors could be the best performing sectors over the next few years and most importantly the right set of stocks chosen from above sectors won't just multiply your wealth several times but also safeguard your capital.

So, if you wish to see your portfolio generate good returns for you and if you wish to own the right set of stocks, then MMP serves your needs best.

Now, if you are wondering How does MMP Operate, then let's find out !!
  1. In MMP service we don't take your money as Portfolio Management Service providers do.
  2. We start with Rs 5 lakhs virtual cash portfolio under MMP and then start allocating certain amount to various recommendations (8-10 best stocks).
  3. Now if you have a portfolio of say Rs 2.5 lakhs then you can replicate the MMP by allocating money to the same recommendations covered under MMP keeping the percentage allocation same as MMP. (Say, if we buy 100 shares of any stock in MMP, then you will have to buy 50 shares in your portfolio).
  4. Once you have made the allocations, you can continue holding the same stocks till we suggest you to sell any of the stocks held in MMP.
  5. If we decide to sell any stock or buy new stock in the portfolio, you will be intimated through a mail communication on how much to buy/Sell, and we will also specify the reason behind buying or selling.
  6. The advantage of the MMP over regular PMS scheme is the fact that we will not be taking a share of profits as the usual PMS service providers do. Also there will be no management fee and over churning of your portfolio (PMS service providers are mostly brokerage houses and they do a lot of trades in your portfolio in order to generate brokerage for themselves)
If you still have any queries call us 24X7 @ 09818866676 or mail us at

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