Happiness and sorrow, love and hate, day and night, success and failure, good and evil, male and female - yes, this universe is pregnant with opposites and that's what makes life interesting and fascinating. Our stock markets are no different. At times, people will cry in joy when they make a killing and at times they will be so depressed as if they are sinking into a bottomless pit.
Sometimes, I feel the bears are more powerful than the bulls – ask why? The answer to my mind is this- the bears have the power to drag down even the most powerful punter down into a quicksand – down goes the bear, down goes the money and so do the punters! And who is going to save these folks from going down into quicksand – not the FII’s nor the DII’s. In the first place, the punters should not play the dangerous stock market game on their own as if they are Warren Buffet or Rakeshji who also go wrong once in a way – you need to take help of people who have seen the markets closely, who understand what drives up and drives down stock, who understand how much cash reserves you need to keep in order to pick up stocks at dirt cheap prices like when the markets crash.
Agreed, when you win in the markets the material things that money will buy may not necessarily make you happy – a big house, a fancy car and fascinating jewellery will not make you cooler, happier and hipper but when you lose money in the markets and see the total value of your portfolio decreasing by the day that’s when you feel that your health is more important than wealth.
Sometime, I just wonder how stupid people can be – just in order to save Rs.10000 -20000 that they need to shell out in order to subscribe to outstanding Research Reports and Stock Market guidance of organization like HBJ Caps, they are ready to lose lakhs of rupees by investing on lousy tips doled out by Mr. and Ms. Scam! After all it’s not a man’s world, it’s the ladies too.
So, the Sensex is down by 454.12 [ 2.31 per cent ] and lot of folks are wondering when will the blood bath stop. Well, as I have said earlier and I’ll say it again that I don’t believe in astrology but I believe in myself. So just believe in your self, believe in the dynamic power of our entrepreneurs, believe in our Bharat Mata and if you believe in all this then you are a wise guy – because this very belief will give you the courage to pick up stocks that have been battered, beaten and bruised. At the very most, pray that the markets fall even further so that you can buy your most desired stocks that much cheaper.
Conclusion : As the markets continue going downhill and if you think its you who has been battered, beaten and bruised then that would be true. Remember: "As you think so shall you be." [ Wayne Dyer ] But if you think that its the stocks out there, hundreds of them that have been battered, beaten and bruised then you need to come out from your hideout like a crouching tiger and go hit the markets hard with your hidden dragon [ read cash ] and make a killing.
Kishor S. Khot, [Kishor@hbjcapital.com], Equity Strategist, HBJ Capital Services Pvt Ltd