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Saturday, July 17, 2010

What should I be rich for?


A lot of people say that money doesn't make you happy. And they are right. There are plenty of rich people that are unsatisfied and unhappy with their life, but there are also poor people in the same situation.
Money doesn't make you happy by itself, but it gives you freedom. And feeling free, feeling that you are the owner of your lifetime is essential to be happy.

How many times have you heard people saying things like...
"I'd like to invite my wife to this nice restaurant, but I can't afford it"
"I would like to go travel around the world, but I have to pay a mortgage"
"I'd like to go back to university, but..."

The structure is always the same: A personal desire that has to be repressed because of financial reasons. If you happen to have a lot of repressed desires you are definitely not happy. And you are not happy not because you don't have money, you are unhappy because you don't have freedom. But money can make you free.

Freedom alone doesn't make you happy, but freedom is an essential ingredient for happiness.

Be the owner of your lifetime
Being rich gives you the chance to do whatever you want, whenever you want and wherever you want. The biggest advantage of being rich is the range of options you have. You are FREE to choose what to do, and what not to do. Ironically when you are rich, you don't have to do things you don't like only because of money. YOU are in control.

At this moment, ask to yourself how many things you do because you "have to". And how many you don't do because you "can't afford to".

It doesn't have to be this way, you can become the owner of your lifetime by growing rich.

You'll only live once [ except Jame Bond in the movie "You only live twice" ]
As Steve Jobs said, your time is limited. You won't live forever, and it's really a shame if you don't do things you'd love to just because of money. Once more, it's not about the money it's about the freedom that money can give you.
Don't waste your life doing what you "have to do" instead of what "you want to do".

I like my job, my life, and I feel free...
Now, but remember, nothing is forever. I also had a job that I liked, but then things changed and I had to take a job that I hated and my life became hell. I found myself hating my job, hating where I lived,... hating my life. That could have been avoided if my job wouldn't have been my only income source.
It doesn't matter how happy you are with your life now, tomorrow it may change. And if unfortunately it worsens, being rich will help you to keep your lifestyle inspite of the conditions. The growing-rich attitude can help you to weather the storm.

And the best way to grow rich is to follow the “Value Investment “ philosophies propounded by Benjamin Graham, the father of Value Investing. And, we have in place this valueinvestment site dedicated to the Benjamin Graham where you can find rich information and a lot of intellectual stuff that will help you to invite unlimited wealth and happiness in your lives.

As a Value Investor you don't have to take the trouble to woo Lady Luck because she is already on your side.

Remember : Fortune favors the bold and Lady Luck will always be by your side so long as you don't para glide and instead glide swiftly to buy scrips when 'blood is running in the streets."

So, do buy great ethically managed companies like say Bajaj Finserv when the markets crash if you consider that the current share price is out of your reach.

[ partial courtesey : ]

Kishor S. Khot, [], Equity Strategist, HBJ Capital Services Pvt Ltd