Outlook Profit magazine has a wonderful story on the long term results of investors practicing value investing in India. The article features interviews with well known Indian value investors, as well as results of hypothetical value investing portfolios back-tested for their performance since the year 1998.
It is available at: http://www.manualofideas.com/files/content/2008_mahalakshmi.pdf
The article covers several Benjamin Graham strategies to examine their performance over this 10 year period. These include - Cash Bargains, Low P/E (or high earnings yield), etc. Another important contribution of this article is to shine the spotlight on many under-the-radar investors like Prof. Sanjay Bakshi, Chetan Parikh, etc who donot receive much coverage in the business media, but have been generating market beating returns for years and years.
Kudos to the magazine for bringing out such a well researched piece on value investing in India. The article has also accepted into the archive of the Heilbrunn Centre for Value Investing at Columbia Graduate School of Business, the birthplace of Value Investing.
More wonderful value investment related material available at: http://www4.gsb.columbia.edu/valueinvesting/schlossarchives/public